Authors' Note
New Blog information is continually being added in the Answers to Questions asked that appear on the Blog Page. This additional information will expand and deepen the reader’s understanding of the Blog. The Authors recommend that the reader, in an effort to grasp the full meaning of the Blog, revisit the site, reread the Blog of interest, read all Answers to Questions asked, and submit their own Questions.
We are in a biblical war, Light versus Dark. We have been exposed to the Darkness so that we can see the Light. We are …
We are utilizing this Blog to bring attention to a very important and disturbing issue that involves diabolical crimes against children. Children are precious and …
We are all sisters and brothers of a beautiful divine, loving Universe that God has blessed for us to stand together without distinguishing color, creed, …
The Ego is the “I” in each of us. The Ego is not always negative, but when our Ego lacks awareness of our true nature …
Holding onto negative thoughts of the Past prevents us from reaching our full potential, feeling the happiness at the moment, and becoming our true self …
Disease comes from elementals created by Fear thoughts and desires which can be unconscious as well as conscious. An elemental is a living form of …
Self-reflection, is the observation, without judgment, of the reasons for your actions and reactions toward yourself and others. It is the process whereby you recall …
We are all on a spiritual journey of awakening. Most of us express our spiritual journey with Fear instead of with the understanding that our …
Death is merely a transition into a new life without our physical bodies. Our energy essence which we know as “soul” leaves the physical body …
Dis-ease manifests when we are not at ease with ourselves. Environmental Influences can trigger the emotion of Fear resulting in stress, anxiety, anger, and obsession. …
The ego is the “I” in each of us. It identifies with the physical manifestations of our belief systems, thoughts, and emotions. It connects with …
Love and Fear are the predominant emotions that underlie all feelings. The emotion of Love generates feelings of happiness, joy, kindness, generosity, compassion, and acceptance. …
Self-reflection, Prayer, and Meditation are tools that help us identify what is holding us back from expressing our true nature of Unconditional Love. They should …
Unconditional Love is continual, unchanging, and unequivocal. It exists everywhere. This love is the belief, faith, and trust that we are one with Divinity, the …
Bigotry is a narrow-minded belief in one’s own opinions and prejudices. It comes from the environmental influences of our families, culture, and society. It generates …
When we are born, we bring with us the essence of Unconditional Love. As we mature into adulthood, environmental influences based on belief systems of …
Life is a blessed gift. Throughout our lives, we search for a deeper understanding of this gift. We are here to remember our true nature …
Answers to Questions Asked
Unconditional Love is the pure, limitless, and selfless love given to others without expectation of anything in return. It is love without conditions. It manifests in generosity, volunteer efforts, and other acts of kindness and caring.
Energy Essence is the concentrated form of energy, in the physical body, and the formless energy surrounding the physical body. This Energy Essence is attached to Divinity. When we love ourselves, without judgment, our Energy Essence is permeated with Unconditional Love. This love manifests a positive and loving life filled with abundance in all areas. When we lack self-love, we live in judgment of ourselves and others, and our Energy Essence becomes dormant. This lack of self-love manifests a life filled with disruption and confusion not allowing our true nature of Unconditional Love to illuminate.
Environmental influences are the belief systems of our families, culture, and society. They impact our lives (and those with whom we engage) by shaping our thoughts, actions, and life choices. The words that are used in our environment play a substantial role in affecting our growth and development. For example, our self-image is formed, in large part, by the words we hear our parents use when they speak to us. Also, the behaviors of our parents greatly impact our behaviors as well as our thoughts and opinions of others.
All people with whom you engage in any circumstance can impact your life in a negative manner; family, friends, partners, co-workers, acquaintances, and even people with whom you momentarily engage. Those who have negative energy have a mindset that is opinionated, fearful, secretive, distrustful, pessimistic, and critical. This, in most circumstances, is a attributable to lack of self-worth and confidence, anxiety, disappointments in life, fear of future events, jealousy, and inability to give love and respect to others. Negative people have been subject to environmental influences that have expressed disapproval and disappointment. The impact on these people can be life altering depending upon the source expressing disapproval and disappointment. The behavior of negative people is usually generated from anger, and a belief that they themselves deserve more in life than their existing present circumstances. Negative people can be toxic, and drain your energy. Avoiding a negative person can be difficult, especially if they are family. Try to limit your time with them. Be optimistic, positive, patient, and listen with a compassionate heart. Calmly speak to them in loving, gentle words expressing your understanding. It is best not to give advice since they will most likely reject your advice regardless of your intention.
Although genetics and lifestyle can play a significant roll in the overall health of a person, environmental influences triggering the emotion of Love can overcome bad genetics and a less than healthy lifestyle. Whereas the emotion of Fear can overcome good genetics and a healthy lifestyle resulting in dis-ease.
We must focus on and energize the good things in our lives even if we feel there are not many. We must stop focusing on what troubles and bothers us whether on a daily basis or a long-term basis. We must focus on and energize what makes us happy and healthy. For instance, when driving and someone cuts us off, we must stay focused without anger, and give thanks that no one was injured. If we are in a long-term personal or business relationship that is troubling, we must focus on and energize the happiness we could have in our lives realizing that we are more important than what this relationship offers us.
In the evening just before you go to sleep, lie in bed, take three deep breaths, and think of your entire day. Consider the thoughts and feelings that you experienced, and how you reacted to situations whether they were positive or negative. Do this without judgment of yourself and others. In time, self-reflection will become easier, and your behavior will become consistently more positive. You will make wiser choices throughout your day, and come to know yourself at a deeper level. This will allow a greater love of yourself and others.
Once you acknowledge the error or action, and understand the belief system that motivated this behavior, it is automatically released. However, if you repeat the behavior, the behavior has not been fully released. This could be that belief system has not been accurately identified, or purer effort is needed to change the behavior.
The ego creates behaviors. Behaviors come from emotions usually learned in the family environment. If the ego is creating negative behaviors, you must exercise self-reflection to understand the precise source of the behavior. Release of negative behaviors is not instantaneous. Self-reflection is to be done on a daily basis, when you are calm and at ease. If the behaviors reoccur, you must continue the process until the behaviors are not part of your personality. Children are mimicking the behaviors they witness. It is up to the adults who are controlling the child’s environment to provide environments free of negative behaviors.
Examine your daily behavior. Your actions reflect your mental state which encompasses your conscious and unconscious mind. For example, if you become anxious or excessively nervous in a situation in which there simply is no explanation for your anxiety or nervousness, you are most likely, experiencing the manifestation of an unconscious Fear. To accurately identify this Fear, you need to engage daily in Self-reflection which will identify this Fear, and eventually diminish this Fear as you continue to Self-reflect.
We impact the worldwide community when we change ourselves expanding light into the world, and being of service to humanity, especially those in need. This is done through Self-reflection, Prayer, and Meditation. See our Blog post. Collective Fear can create a global elemental.
We have authored two (2) books that we feel are helpful in understanding Unconditional Love.