Self-reflection, is the observation, without judgment, of the reasons for your actions and reactions toward yourself and others. It is the process whereby you recall the day’s events, observe how you reacted, and feel the emotions you experienced. The experiences that caused you adverse feelings will arise. These are the emotions that need to be addressed. This is done by considering the source of the emotion. As an example, you reacted with a display of anger by making derogatory remarks about a person who you felt disrespected you. To self-reflect, you need to put yourself in calm surroundings at a time that offers you the opportunity to optimally focus. You begin by taking three deep breathes inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. This will ground you. Ask yourself several questions. Did you grow up in an environment that disrespected you and others? Did the response to the disrespectful behavior include derogatory remarks? Were you taught to defend yourself in an aggressive manner whenever you felt threatened? Do you feel a lack of self-worth that is masquerading as disrespect? Answers to questions of this nature allow you to self-reflect in a manner that provides a path to healing.