Life is a blessed gift. Throughout our lives, we search for a deeper understanding of this gift. We are here to remember our true nature of Unconditional Love. This remembrance awakens our souls; the energy essence of our true nature. Everything is made up of energy at varying stages of vibrational frequency. Our souls are unique due to the difference in the level of vibrational frequency. When we understand and love ourselves, without judgment, our level of vibrational frequency, while we are in physical form, aligns with higher spiritual frequencies. All souls are an integration of the physical world in which we live, and the Spirit World of higher frequencies. We encounter resistance from the physical world that prevents us from expressing our true nature of Unconditional Love. Our resistance comes in the form of expressions of hatred, bigotry, discrimination, and anger. These expressions affect all aspects of our well-being such as, personal relationships, work, health, and finances as well as others with whom we come in contact. When we allow our souls (the energy essence of our true nature of Unconditional Love) to be a conscious and active part of our lives, our adverse expressions are diminished. This is achieved through daily prayer, meditation, self-reflection, and self-awareness. When our human bodies, which house our souls, cease to exist, our energy essence disperses into the Spirit World of higher frequencies.